Fight Back Against Terrorism, Drawing On The Soviet Experience

Statement of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation
G.A.Zyuganov – KPRF Party Chairman

This is a translation of a statement that was originally published on the website of the Communist Party Of The Russian Federation.

Russia has become the target of regular enemy attacks. The country is shocked by bloody terrorist attacks in Dagestan and Sevastopol. Many citizens died innocently. The events that took place caused feelings of grief and indignation among millions of people. The vile attacks were carried out on the sly on Sunday, June 23, when people were on vacation with their families and Orthodox Christians were celebrating the Feast of the Trinity. Our country is once again reminded that we live in the face of severe challenges.

First, American ATACMS missiles struck the hero city of Sevastopol. Cluster munitions exploded over the beach area, killing and maiming civilians. Then there were bloody terrorist attacks in Dagestan. A church, a synagogue, and law enforcement officials were attacked. Crimes have been committed resulting in deaths and injuries.

We mourn together with the residents of Crimea and Dagestan. On behalf of all Russian communists, we offer condolences to the families and friends of the victims of terrorist attacks. We wish a speedy recovery to those undergoing treatment. We express our outrage at the cruelty of the murderers and demand fair punishment for all those involved in the crimes committed.

Despite their external differences, both attacks had a common goal and were very likely coordinated from the same center. Behind them are the same cynical puppet masters who developed scenarios for attacks on Belgorod and recruited participants in the terrible terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. The organizers of these actions want to punish our country for the fight against neo-Nazism in Ukraine, independent policy in the international arena and opposition to neo-colonialism. They seek to break us, intimate us, and deprive us of the will to resist. To achieve this, strikes are delivered to the most sensitive areas: the lives of civilians and interethnic harmony.

The consequences of what happened can be much more serious if the right conclusions are not drawn and the necessary measures are not taken. The nature of the actions of those who committed terrible crimes indicates that behind them lies a powerful, well-organized force. And there is no reason to believe that it will stop of its own free will.

Being a product of capitalism, terrorism is accustomed to wrapping itself in nationalistic and religious garb. In fact, it denies the moral standards developed over the centuries-old history of mankind. Fuelled by the dust of the ruins of Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, terrorism has acquired destructive force on an international scale. Imperialism makes full use of it to its advantage.

Wanting to preserve its wealth and power, world capital incites bloody conflicts, pits people against each other, and does not disdain the most vile methods. Ukraine and Russia are one of the tasty morsels for these brutal circles. A striking example of terrorism in the interests of the United States and NATO was the coup in Ukraine in 2014. The West provided full support to the militants on the Maidan, shamefully kept silent about the tragedy of the “Odessa Khatyn”, and cynically ignored the shelling of the residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics by Bandera’s troops.

Currently, the slide of the Zelensky regime towards terror tactics is becoming increasingly obvious. Unable to win on the battlefield, the junta entrenched in Kyiv is increasingly resorting to sabotage. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to attack Russian border settlements.

Despite external differences, many manifestations of terrorism are phenomena of the same order. They have one sponsor – world imperialism. He declared a merciless war on Russia and the entire Russian world. To win, we must remember the Soviet experience.

The Soviet government faced banditry and terrorism of all stripes from its early years. The ruling circles of Europe, the USA and Japan provided active support to the terrorists. The West generously sponsored the White Guards, patronized the Basmachi, the “forest brothers,” Bandera and other bastards. The victims of these nonhumans were often ordinary Soviet citizens.

The success of the USSR in the fight against terrorists was ensured by a skillful combination of a set of measures. Here is decisiveness in the fight against the enemy, and the introduction of discord in its ranks, and a competent national policy. Government agencies and intelligence agencies set the highest standards of professionalism. The main thing was that the socialist state eliminated the roots that fed terrorism. It overcame poverty and social division and created equal opportunities for its citizens. On this basis, the USSR created an effective security system. Every Soviet person felt protected and confident in the future.

Modern Russian society is split by the abyss of property inequality. Poverty and instability have become the daily reality of most citizens. In Dagestan alone, every second young person is unemployed. This greatly facilitates the tasks of national and religious extremists among people humiliated by officials and oppressed by capital.

To eradicate terrorism means to destroy its sources: social division and property inequality, lawlessness and injustice, poverty and lack of rights for millions of residents. We are convinced: it is impossible to count on success by fighting the effects, not the cause. To defeat terrorism, it is necessary to overcome capitalism, to unite society on the ideals of justice, and therefore socialism. The Soviet experience gives us a great example of how to unite a society, forge a strong armor of national security and shame the most cynical and cruel enemy.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation stands for giving the most decisive rebuff to everyone who encroaches on the life and health of our citizens, and seeks to impose its criminal order on the world. The path to true security lies through the improvement of the economy and social life, through the unity of the people on the ideals of goodness, justice, and socialism!

GA Zyuganov ,

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

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