The Stalin Series

We are launching a new series on our YouTube channel and X

We have observed often that no one, not even Lenin or Mao, is slandered as much as Joseph Stalin. The reasons for this are obvious to us, he was the paramount leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (bolsheviks) during the time when the building the worlds first workers state was achieving its greatest successes. Not only did he oversee the successful implementation of the five year plans, mass industrialisation and agricultural collectivisation but he also led the CPSU (b) through the various attempts at coups and (ultimately) through the horrors of the invasion carried out by Hitlerite German imperialism. All of this is reason enough for the bourgeoisie of the imperialist nations to despise and slander Stalin. They would not be able to do so nearly as much though without the active assistance Trotsky who, following his exile from the USSR, spent the 1930s cooking up many of the lies that would be taken up by anti-communists during and after world war 2. In order to play our part in refuting the lies of the bourgeoisie we must start with establishing the truth about the debates in the Bolshevik party that took place in the 1920s. These debates, which Trotsky lost and his refusal to accept this saw him exiled, are almost a century old now but only through analysing them and their implications can we understand the myths Trotsky later created about his own role and that of Stalin.

Our principle text in this series will be the collection of Stalin’s writing entitled ‘On The Opposition’. This is a difficult text to get hold of so we provide a pdf version of it here.

The first episode in this new series will take place May 8th at 20:00. It will cover the first chapter in the book. Any other sources used in this series will be posted up both on here and on telegram.

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